1. Antivirus Solution for MailEnable
    Anti-virus plug-in is offered by MailEnable Professional, Enterprise and Premium Editions. The Anti-virus plug-in can inspect/check mail messages for viruses prior to they are sent to user mailboxes.

    There is no compelling reason to set up an additional scanner because existing versions of these editions (Professional, Enterprise and Premium Editions ) as well comprise an integrated ClamAV scanner.
    In case where you desire to integrate additional scanners, the accompanying informations are given to help in choosing an anti-virus solution for your MailEnable implementation.

    Setting Explanation
    Allow relay for authenticated senders This option implies that users who attempt to deliver mail via the server have to provide a username and password. This option enables SMTP authentication. This setting differs in various mail clients, however in Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook for example, the setting can be done through the following:
    Under account properties, select the server tab, then check the “My server requires authentication” check box.
    It is desirable to have this option enabled if privileged IP ranges are not being utilized
    Allow relay for privileged IP ranges This option will permit users with specific IP addresses to deliver email via the server. Utilize this option in the case where the IP addresses of those users who can deliver email via the server are identified. Never use this option in the case where there is not a range of a list of IP addresses, because this may coincidentally permit access to everyone. Ordinarily this option is not selected.
    Allow relay for local sender addresses This option will permit users to deliver mail in the case where their From address include a domain that you host on MailEnable. Case in point, in the event that you host, and somebody delivers a mail which the From address is [email protected] , the email will be delivered. Sadly, spammers may in any case misuse this by acting as if they are one of your users, so the majority of servers won’t utilize this option.
    2. Automated Backups
    A backup utility named MEBACKUP is offered by MailEnable Professional and Enterprise Editions. Under MailEnable Program Group, you can reach and use this utility. Command line arguments are allowed by this utility, we use these command line arguments in order to configure it to run as an automated service.
    At the beginning (as a first step), you should define / indicate a different location for the BACKUP files. In order to accomplish this, please include the below registry key:
    (32bit Windows) Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable
    (64bit Windows) Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mail Enable\Mail Enable
    Name of the Value: Backup Directory
    Example of the Value: F:\BACKUPS\MAILENABLE
    Please be mindful to guarantee and make sure that the target directory is available.
    In order to schedule the backup to take place, you can either utilize the Windows Task Scheduler or utilize the schtasks.exe command line tool. You can look for Help on the schtasks.exe command by entering “schtasks/?” in the Windows command prompt. Below is a sample for scheduling the backup:
    schtasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /SC DAILY /TN BackupMailEnableConfig /ST:23:00 /TR “mebackup /BACKUP /NOSTORE”
    An automatic daily backup of MailEnable’s configuration is scheduled in this sample simply at 11:00 PM. Please note that messages won’t be backed up.
    3. Best Relay Settings

    In order to be able to access to the SMTP Relay options please do the following:
    1. Open the Administration program
    2. Extend the Servers->localhost->Connectors branch
    3. Right click on the SMTP icon
    4. From the popup menu, choose Properties
    5. And then choose the Relay tab
    Here is a clarification of the different relay settings:

    Setting Explanation
    Allow relay for authenticated senders This option implies that users who attempt to deliver mail via the server have to provide a username and password. This option enables SMTP authentication. This setting differs in various mail clients, however in Microsoft Outlook Express and Microsoft Outlook for example, the setting can be done through the following:

    Under account properties, select the server tab, then check the “My server requires authentication” check box.
    It is desirable to have this option enabled if privileged IP ranges are not being utilized

    Allow relay for privileged IP ranges This option will permit users with specific IP addresses to deliver email via the server. Utilize this option in the case where the IP addresses of those users who can deliver email via the server are identified. Never use this option in the case where there is not a range of a list of IP addresses, because this may coincidentally permit access to everyone. Ordinarily this option is not selected.
    Allow relay for local sender addresses This option will permit users to deliver mail in the case where their From address include a domain that you host on MailEnable. Case in point, in the event that you host, and somebody delivers a mail which the From address is [email protected] , the email will be delivered. Sadly, spammers may in any case misuse this by acting as if they are one of your users, so the majority of servers won’t utilize this option.
    4. Blacklisting Mechanisms in MailEnable

    SMTP Domain Blacklisting
    The creation of a list of domains that are not allowed to deliver mail to a different domain is permitted by the SMTP Domain Blacklisting. Case in point, to keep a locally hosted domain from accepting/getting mail from This test happens when the remote SMTP server tries to issue the RCPT command. At the point when the command is issued, MailEnable tries to figure out whether the target domain indicated in the RCPT command comprise a rule that keeps it from having the capacity to receive from the domain indicated in the sender’s address (during the MAIL FROM command). Under the Domain branch of the post office that hosts the domain, this setting is set on a per domain basis.

    Reverse DNS Blacklisting
    One or more RBL or ORDB providers are defined within the reverse DNS blacklisting where senders IPs are compared with these providers. In the case where the sender’s IP address is located in the Open Relay or Blacklist databases then the sender is rejected to have the capacity to send mail. This test is done during the SMTP transaction when the user issues the RCPT command. To take the hard line with those showing up in these lists, there is a noncompulsory registry setting that will reject the remote host when they try to connect to the MailEnable server. Under the properties of the SMTP Connector, and through the MailEnable Administration Program (Reverse DNS Blacklisting), you can enable this setting.
    Below are sketched out the registry setting needed to improve its performance and functionality:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable\Mail Enable\Connectors\SMTP\Reverse DNS Blacklist|Enabled
    Value: 0 – Disabled
    Value: 1 – Enabled – Deny on RCPT
    Value: 2 – Enabled – Deny on Connect

    IP Address/Address Range Blacklisting
    IP Address range blacklisting can specify who can really connect to the mail server. MailEnable utilizes the client IP address and it matches it up to the blacklist specified under the Access Control button on the SMTP Connector’s properties. Addresses can be entered including wildcards.
    For instance: 192.168.0.* or individual addresses.

    5. Configuring POP and SMTP in Outlook

    You have the choice of POP3 or IMAP to receive email. Sending email is done via SMTP.

    Configuring iOS to send/receive message via the SMTP and IMAP/POP3 services:

    • In Microsoft Outlook 2013, click the “File” button in the upper left-hand corner.
    • In the right-hand panel, click “Add Account”
    • Choose the second option, “Manual setup or additional server types” and click Next.
    • Choose the third option, “POP or IMAP” and click Next.
    • Fill out the request information with the following notes in mind:
      “Account Type” can be either POP or IMAP
      “Incoming mail server” is For example,’s mail server is
      “Outgoing mail server” is the same as “Incoming mail server.”
      Under Logon Information, “User Name” should be your full email address.
      Make sure to check “Remember Password.”
    • Click “More Settings” in the lower right-hand corner of the panel.
      Under the “More Settings” Outgoing Server tab, make sure the “My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication” box is checked and that the first option (“Use same settings…”) is chosen.
      Under the “More Settings” Advanced tab, type “110” in the Incoming Server box.
      Do not check the “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL)” box.
      Under the “More Settings” Advanced tab, type “465” in the Outgoing Server box.
      Click Ok.
      Click Next.
    6. Diagnosing POP and SMTP authentication issues in Outlook

    1. In the MailEnable Administration Program, open the Properties of the SMTP Connector and choose the SMTP tab properties.
    Click on the Access Control Button and guarantee and make sure that the option to “Grant Access” is chosen.
    2. In the Mailenable Administration Program, open the Properties of the SMTP Connector and choose the relay tab. Make sure that “Allow Relay for Authenticated Users ” is chosen.
    3. Click the Authentication Method on the same Properties page and guarantee and make sure it is set to Mailenable/Integrated Authentication
    4. Utilizing the Mailenable Administration Program, open the Properties of the POP Service and choose the POP tab.
    Click the Access Control Button and guarantee and make sure that the option to Grant Access is chosen.

    Mail Client Testing and Diagnosis
    1. Configure the mail client to access the MailEnable server. Make sure that the mail client has not been configured to utilize Secure Password Authentication or to utilize SSL in the case when connecting to MailEnable Services. Additionally guarantee that the usernames defined for authenticating exist in the following format: MAILBOX@POSTOFFICE
    2. Try to connect to MailEnable utilizing the mail client.
    3. Utilizing the MailEnable Administration Program, open the Mailenable POP and SMTP Activity log files and make sure that the connection try is being made to the server.
    4. Review and check the relevant Debug Log Files at the time of connection to figure out whether there are any errors in the log files. In the case where there is nothing in the log files then either the mail client settings are invalid or there is non-success/ lack of success in a firewall or network connectivity that is averting/ not allowing access to the server.
    5. Any received or noted error codes from the mail client ought to be checked against the vendor’s knowledge base or documentation.

    7. DNS Records to create when hosting mail domains

    Precisely how DNS is configured rely to a great extent on two things:
    1. If you are hosting your own publicly accessible DNS server
    2. Or if a third party- naturally an ISP- is hosting your DNS for you.

    Points of Interest
    Guarantee that the accompanying DNS Records are present for every domain serviced via MailEnable:
    DNS Record Types & Clarification
    A RECORD: An A record ought to be registered for the mail host. It links the IP Address of the host with its host name.
    MX RECORD: A MX record ought to be specified for each domain that is hosted under MailEnable. It permits remote mail servers to recognize the host name of the mail host.
    PTR RECORD: The PTR record associates an IP address of the host to its host name. The PTR record is utilized for reverse lookups.

    Be mindful that an MX record ought to direct to/indicate an A record. More precisely, there ought to be an A record that likens/associates to the host name of the IP Address of your server.
    For instance, in order to set up mail services for, an A record ought to be created in the DNS to publish the host name of the server. This might be named At that point create an MX record that includes/hold the hostname of the mail server that is the name defined for the A record.
    Similar to other mail server, MailEnable necessitates DNS entries to be changed when hosting numerous mail domains on the same server.

    These articles delineate how to set up and configure DNS servers:
    Setting up Microsoft DNS Server on NT 4.0 SP6.
    How to install and configure Microsoft DNS Server.
    How to create a new zone on a DNS Server in Windows 2000.

    8. Does MailEnable support multiple languages?
    Using Mailenable’s web mail, you can choose a language that is to be utilized to compose and read mail messages. English is the default language for the web interface. For earlier versions of Mailenable and for languages that are not supported, a language migration tool is available that will permit conversion of the web applications to different languages.

    If you have installed the Mailenable Professional or Enterprise Edition, you can look for the program called Melangtranslator.exe which is the language utility. You can find the program in the Mail Enable\bin catalog.

    Essential and Fundamental information:
    Examine very well the accompanying article to guarantee that the vital runtime components are present for this utility: – Microsoft Activex Control pad

    It is worth mentioning that the utility may possibly requires to alter certain .dll files, so a restart of the machine is required to alter these dll files.

    How the utility functions:
    From the Mailenable web site, the utility downloads a list of token maps. A list of the tokens that need to be converted is included. Webmail-Tokens.txt is the name of the file. The file will show up in the same directory as the application. Another file named Webmail-token.YY will contain all the tokens that are converted and updated, in other way, while these tokens are converted and altered they are written to this file. YY refers to the language being translated to. After clicking on the “Apply Translation” button, a copy of the English site will be made, and the translation of the tokens will be completed.

    When applying the translations you can check the results in a browser. There is a button in the utility marked as “Set this Language As Default for Web Site” that will set the current language utilized by web mail. This will alter Mailenable’s web mail to guarantee that the language being dealt with appears (instead of English) when going to http://server/mewebmail.

    9. Error Code 80070057

    In the case where HTTPMail is being utilized on the server, POP and SMTP ought not to be utilized because this will result in problems if POP takes out messages from the server when the headers have been downloaded onto the client.
    In order to test connectivity, just copy the HTTPMail URL (for instance http:// server :8080/mehttpmail ) into a web browser. In the case where you were asked for a user name and password, then the service is running properly and effectively. Outlook 2002 and Outlook Express just return fundamental failure data to the user when utilizing HttpMail as the protocol. The Maintenance Options in Outlook Express could be utilized to identify more the problem. Utilizing these options, it is conceivable to log HTTP Transactions to a log file and examine the client and server conversation.

    10. How does MailEnable determine who can relay?

    To debug relay rights, utilize the debug log. The replies returned when enumerating rights are recorded with a suitable and proper description.
    Utilize this portrayal or description to figure out whether or how a relay request was taken care of by the server.

    Sender Blacklisting:
    First of all, Mailenable processes rules that figure out if the sender of the message is forbidden from sending locally or relaying.
    1. Mailenable verifies the Sender’s address and figures out if they are blacklisted and hence prohibited and forbidden from sending locally or relaying.
    Debug Log includes: Recipient Denied: %s is a blacklisted domain.

    Local Recipient Enumeration:
    Second of all, Mailenable enumerates the recipient address and figures out whether the user is serviced locally.
    1. Access is given/conceded when the Recipient address is the postmaster.
    Debug Log includes: Local Delivery: Address (%s) is nearby
    2. Access is given/conceded when the Recipient address is defined in the AddressMap as a literal address.
    Debug Log includes: Local Delivery: Address (%s) is local
    3. Access is given/conceded/allowed when the Recipient address is defined in the AddressMap as a catch all address.
    Debug Log includes: Address (%s) is to be delivered to Catch-All address.
    4. Access is not allowed and rejected when “Force Inbound Resolution” is configured and the Recipient address is to a locally serviced domain.
    Debug Log includes: Local Delivery: Domain for (%s) is locally serviced, but recipient is not defined in address map.
    5. Access is conceded/given/allowed when “Force Inbound Resolution” is not configured and the Recipient address is to a locally serviced domain.
    Debug Log includes: Local Delivery: Domain for (%s) is locally serviced.

    Relay Access Enumeration:
    Finally, Mailenable figures out if the recipient necessitates mail relay (i.e. the message is ordained/intended for addresses that are not locally serviced by this host). It performs this utilizing the accompanying logic:

    1. Mailenable figures out if Overriding Relay Access is enabled or disabled and in view of that allows or rejects.
    If relaying is disabled, debug Log includes: Relay Denied: Server is configured not to allow relaying.
    2. Mailenable figures and find out if “Allow Relay For Local Sender Addresses” right has been configured. This verifies if the Sender address is defined in the address map table.
    Debug Log includes: Relay Granted: %s is in local address map.
    3. Mailenable figures and find out if “Allow Relay For Privileged IP Ranges” right has been configured.
    Debug Log includes: Relay Granted: Sender IP (%s) is within an authorized IP range.
    4. Mailenable figures and finds out if “Allow Relay For Authenticated Senders” right has been configured.
    Debug Log includes: Relay Granted: Sender has authenticated.
    5. Mailenable figures and finds out if “Allow Relay For Anybody” right is configured.
    Debug Log includes: Relay Granted: Server is configured to allow anyone to relay.
    6. The server denies because currently all rules for relaying have been processed and no relay criteria could be met.
    Debug Log includes: Relay Denied: Failed to meet all relay criteria.

    11. How do other mail servers locate my newly installed mail server?
    In the case where Mailenable is incapable of getting mail from the Internet, it is most probable that you have public DNS issues; more precisely remote servers don’t know how to locate your mail server. DNS Configuration problems are not particularly related to MailEnable. DNS requires to be configured independent of which mail server is being utilized.

    The least complex approach to figure out if other mail servers can find your server is by sending an email from Yahoo, Hotmail, and so on and checking the activity log to verify if their server has tried to send the message.

    1. The issue is definitely a DNS configuration/setup, in the case where there is no entry in Activity Log,
    2. In the case where there are entries in the log, then the problem is most probably to be Mailenable’s configuration settings.
    The larger part of inbound mail problems are linked to the first case or firewall/proxy servers not allowing access to the mail server. To fix this problem, change and update public DNS entries to indicate to the newly installed Mailenable server. Precisely how this is completed varies in implementation.
    The following are some data about how to detect the problem:
    1. Open the Windows Command Prompt
    2. Type in “NSLOOKUP”, then Press ENTER
    3. At the”>” prompt, enter “Set type=MX”
    4. After that, type in the name of your domain
    The lookup will layout the MX record as indicated below:
    Non-authoritative answer: MX preference = 5, mail exchanger =

    Please note that Mailenable as well utilizes A and CNAME records where MX records do not exist or defined in the DNS setup/configuration.
    As this is the way other mail servers recognize your mail host from the domain name section of a message, the DNS entries need to indicate to your mail server or you won’t get mail from remote mail hosts.
    In a few cases, for home/personal links, individuals use Dynamic DNS Providers such as DNS2GO to host DNS records. In these cases the records require to be adjusted utilizing DNS2GO (or equivalent) online configuration utilities.
    In different cases, individuals host their own public DNS server and they have to adjust their DNS entries inside that server – once more this is particularly related to the implementation.
    Finally we have a case where ISP hosts DNS entries on behalf of the MailEnable user. In a few cases they may give an interface to set these subtle elements online, in different cases they will necessitates you to send them a mail or fax outlining the modifications to DNS entries.
    In these situations it is just conceivable to detect whether DNS entries aren’t right and conceivably what isn’t right with them. Regarding correcting and resolving the issue, it is difficult due to the various numbers of implementation.

    12. Blacklisting mechanisms in MailEnable
    Spam is an enormous issue on the Internet and being a mail server operator it is critical to make logical and practical moves to guarantee that the server is protected and safe from being captured
    by those longing and desiring to send bulk unsolicited e-mail that is known as spam.
    In the case where the server is not configured properly and in the right way, spammers can utilize the mail server to send out messages through the server unrestrained/unconstrained. Regarding the mail messages for recipients that have their mailboxes hosted on the mail server itself, the mail server will allow these messages, yet it is very serious and important to control and manage who can send messages to other non local recipients. You should protect the server by setting precise and strict rules regarding who can utilize the server to relay messages (send messages) to non-local recipients.

    Click here for the article detailing which relay settings are most suitable.
    Older versions of MailEnable were set to allow mail delivered with a from address that is locally hosted to the server. It is quite basic for a probable spammer to figure or presume a local sender account and utilize this to spam/relay messages through the server. In the case where this is enabled on the server, it is proposed and suggested that this be disabled and oblige / require users to authenticate.
    In addition, check and examine any domain redirections mail users may have configured on the server. In the case where mail users have been allowed to redirect their mail to other mail systems then they will as well be redirecting any spam to those mail systems. These mail systems will identify and spot the server as spamming and therefore this may put the server in a situation where it is blacklisted. Accordingly, in hosted environment, either reduce the utilization of redirections, or disable the feature in web mail in order to keep clients from redirecting their mailboxes.
    By means of notifications being mistakenly, improperly or wrongly sent to a forged senders address, it is conceivable / probable to get blacklisted or have your server IP(s) blacklisted. The following are the general and regular ways that notifications or bounced messages where replies to a forged address from a message envelope can have you included in a blacklist:

    • In the case where a message is delivered to an address on the server that is linked to / related to a list and the sender is not an authorized / authenticated sender, a notification is sent to the original sender which may be forged, therefore delivering messages to an invalid account.
    • In the case where the senders address is forged, and an action on a filter is configured to “notify sender” that the message has reached specific criteria of a filter, then the message sent from the server could be once more notifying the original forged senders address.
    • In the case where quotas are configured on the mailboxes on a server, notifications will be delivered to senders when a mailbox has surpassed its quota limit. This delivered reply could be to a forged email sender which after some time can cause blacklisting.
    • The reply message from a disabled mailbox or domain could be delivering its refusal / disallow messages to a forged sender address.

    A different situation where your server could be blacklisted is through blacklisting of a range by a DNSBL. The following is a received warning from the web site of a DNSBL subsequent to a blacklisted server range:

    “WARNING!!!! This entire Class C, /24 network is listed!!!
    2 or more /32 server entries in any /24 network will get the entire /24 network listed on and

    In the case where the server is not protected from unauthorized relay, it will become eventually to be on an Open Relay Blacklist. When the server is on a black list, it will take a lot of time to go over the removal process. The following will show you how to go over the removal process:

    1. To begin with guarantee that your server is no more open relay. Verify that the server is set up as proposed in the article What are the best relay settings to use?
    2. Next, figure out which open relay black lists the server is listed on utilizing the tools at
    3. At last, browse the web sites of each Blacklist provider and utilize their web site to put forward your site for testing.
    4. Blacklist providers generally process removal requests in the range of 24 hours. They will deliver a mail message to specify and show you the status of the removal.

    13. How to access web administration
    The following branch will show up in the Mailenable Administration program where Mailenable Professional or Enterprise Edition have been installed with web administration:
    Servers > localhost > Services > WebAdmin

    In order to access web administration through IIS, you can do the following:

    1. Either configure MailEnable to publish web administration through the web sites currently configured under IIS
    2. Or include a host header for the web administration IIS site.
    Directions for adding to a current site:
    1. Explore to Servers|localhost|services|webadmin in the Mailenable Administration program, from the popup menu, right click and choose Properties. The General tab will be shown. Click on the Configure.. button.
    2. Select the web site you wish to publish Web Administration for and select “Install Web Admin for the selected website”
    Web administration will be available through the accompanying URL: http:\\{sitename}\meadmin
    Guidelines for including a host header:
    1. In order to be able to include a host headear, in the Mailenable Administration program, explore to Servers|localhost|Services|WebAdmin, from the popup menu right click and select New->host Header. Keep in mind to include the URL you are utilizing to your DNS.

    2.A post office should be enabled before it can be administered utilizing web administration. This is possible through the Administration program. What you have to do is to right click on the post office and then get to the web administration properties.

    In order for a user to be able to log into the web administration, in the MailEnable Administration application create (or alter) a mailbox for that user, and under the properties of the mailbox in the Administration program, set the mailbox as ADMIN.

    After being installed, you can access web administration through http://Domainname/meadmin; where DomainName is the domain name, machine name, or IP address of the machine. A login screen will show up if you browse to this location. It is likewise imperative to bear/keep in mind that the username is displayed as: mailboxname@postofficename (much the same as any Mailenable username).

    14. How to automatically purge mail messages from the mail store
    A command line utility that is used to purge messages from the MailEnable message store is offered by MailEnable. All postmaster, bad mail, inbox or deleted items messages that surpass the indicated age are purged by this utility. If necessary, you can utilize the Windows Task Scheduler in order to schedule this utility as a batch job.
    POSTOFFICE|ALL = Apply to one post office or to all post offices
    DAYS = The minimum age/Time of messages (in days).
    SWITCHES = See the below section (switches are delimited by a plus)
    UNREAD = Do not purge unread messages
    Switches: (delimited by a plus character):
    POSTMASTER = Clean the Inbox of Postmaster Mailboxes
    INBOX = Clean the Inbox of all Mailboxes
    DELETED = Clean the Deleted Items Folder of all Mailboxes
    SENT = Clean the Sent Items Folder of all Mailboxes
    JUNK = Clean the Junk E-mail Folder of all Mailboxes
    BADMAIL = Clean the System BadMail Folder
    REPORT = Reports on matching deletions for all settings – does not delete files
    It is worth mentioning that multiple switches might be utilized if delimited with a + character.

    15. How to backup and restore MailEnable configuration and user data

    MailEnable stores configuration and user information basically in three principle zones/locations. To backup the three items, you can utilize the MEBackup utility provided by MailEnable.
    At the point when manually backing up or utilizing a third party application, the accompanying three items are fundamental for a full backup and restoration of the MailEnable email platform.
    Server Configuration (Taking into consideration service settings and machine explicit configuration data):
    The registry hosts server explicit information (such connector settings, and so forth). To do this, utilize the registry editor (REGEDIT) to export the:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mail Enable or registry key (including all subkeys and values) to a reg file.
    From Microsoft’s web site, you can look for more data on the way to utilize the registry editor. In order to recover the backup, you have to stop all services, and replace the directory tree from the backup and afterward import the saved registry file into the registry.
    At the point when recovering your registry and if you are changing machines, ensure that you utilize the right path for the machine you are migrating to, this is vital and essential if the operating system changes. This is particularly the situation when moving from 32 bit to 64 bit or the other way around. For this situation the paths as laid out above are obligatory to be utilized. It is likewise necessary that IME_ADMIN and/or IME_SYSTEM have full control of this registry branch following a restore. After all information is recovered you can basically install the most recent MailEnable release for your version over the top to fix any permission issues that may still exist.

    Note: If you are utilizing an encrypted password, it is critical to back up the Windows registry, otherwise is not critical. In the case where the windows registry has disappeared or not backed up, the outcome will basically signify and indicate that you have to reconfigure any options in the administration program. In the case where you have a considerable amount of non default settings then it would require some exertion and considerable amount of time to reset these but in the case where you have not altered many then resetting these options would not take excessively long.

    File System:
    All MailEnable messages and mail information are stored as files on disk. Each mail message is a separate file.
    These folders ought to be backed up:
    1. Message Store (Generally: [Program Files]Mail Enable\POSTOFFICES) – suggested to utilize incremental backup of the message store.
    2. Inbound and Outbound Queues (Generally: [[Program Files]Mail Enable\Queues). Note: The information in the queues is provisional and momentary. Backing up the information in the queues may not be of high significance and importance as it changes state so oftentimes.
    3. In the case where you are utilizing a Bayesian Filtering and have the latest dictionary then you could as well back up the following folder: Mail Enable\Dictionaries

    The Diagnostic Report holds the actual paths for the above storage locations.

    Omissions: In the case where you are utilizing automated or incremental backup software, you ought to omit the accompanying files from being backed up (*.blk, *.tmp, _activity.*, *.MAID)

    Configuration Store:
    File System: \CONFIG Directory (or Database; depending on provider).
    When doing the installation, in the case where you have altered some data store locations from the default, then you will have to guarantee these also exist in your backup. In the case where you are uncertain of your storage location then you can look out for the paths in the accompanying segment of the MailEnable Administration Program:

    MailEnable Administrator Program (MMC) > Messaging Manager (Properties)

    The Configuration directory is very important because it holds all the mailbox, domain and post office lookup information for every container in your framework, in the case where it has disappeared then your lost data cannot be recovered.

    MailEnable Backup Utility:
    From the MailEnable Web Site, you can access an essential utility. A graphical interface exists in the MEBackup utility. Also the MEBackup offers the accompanying command parameters:
    /BACKUP – automated backup (a user interface does not exist)
    /RESTORE – automated backup (a user interface does not exist)
    /NOLOGS – do not backup Log Files
    /NOSTORE – do not backup the Message Store
    /HIDE – do not show Windows
    Note: On large installations, it is suggested to utilize a third party file backup solution for incrementally backing up the message store.

    16. How to configure an HTTPMail Client

    An extra mail service called HTTPMail exists in the Professional and Enterprise Editions of Mailenable. Without the need to download the mail, as is frequently the case with POP, HTTPMail permits access to mail from the server. HttpMail offer comparative functionality to IMAP, through which Outlook Express, Outlook 2000/2002/2003/2007 clients can access and manage messages and folders on the server. Be aware that the HttpMail protocol is not supported by Vista Windows Mail and Windows Live mail client. Dissimilar to IMAP, it doesn’t necessitate SMTP to deliver messages since it posts messages straight into the server mail queues where they are either locally sent or dispatched through the SMTP Connector.
    An additional benefit HTTPMail has – that is not provided when utilizing POP and SMTP- is that it can be configured to work over Port 80, implying that mail can be accessed through corporate firewalls.
    The service will be published on Port 8080 of the server, in the case where HTTPMail was installed during the installation process. This setting might be altered to an alternate port, however 8080 is the default in order for the service not to clash with any present web services that may be running on the server.
    Utilizing Outlook Express, Outlook 2000/2002/2003/2007 as a mail client, it is conceivable to pick the mail protocol as HTTP and enter in the accompanying informations:
    My incoming Mail Server is a HTTP server
    My HTTPmail service provider is: Other
    Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server: http:// Your Server:8080/MEHTTPMail

    HTTPMail necessitates the standard account credentials when prompted because it is an authenticated service, example: mailbox@postofficename.

    17. How to configure mail clients when accessing MailEnable via POP and SMTP

    Guarantee the right credentials are being utilized to authenticate against MailEnable. MailEnable services necessitates that the credentials be in this format MailboxName@PostofficeName. MailEnable can additionally be configured to presume a default post office name as an element of the username. This implies that any user credentials lacking the @PostofficeName suffix will utilize the {@DefaultPostofficeName} suffix. Under the properties of “localhost”, in the MailEnable administration program, the default post office can be configured.
    For additional data on MailEnable credentials, see the following article:
    What syntax are the credentials to access MailEnable services

    At the point when entering the incoming and outbound server name (for POP and SMTP) utilize either a domain name which determined to the IP location of the mail server, or the IP address itself. These domain names resolved by what has been created in the DNS for the domain. As an example, you can just utilize in the case where you have in fact configured this in your DNS.
    In the case where you are utilizing POP or SMTP to access MailEnable, guarantee and make sure that the mail client does not have Secure Password Authentication or Authentication enabled over SSL. The below screen shots of Outlook Express layouts the right settings (the mail servers and account name will be your own). In addition, this screenshot is displaying that the email client is configured for SMTP authentication since the ‘My server requires authentication’ checkbox is checked. This is necessary in the case where the server has been configured for SMTP authentication by checking the ‘Allow relay for authenticated senders ‘ checkbox, in the SMTP Relay Properties.

    For additional information on relay settings please check the following article:
    What are the best relay settings to use?

    Additionally guarantee and make sure that mail client settings are not configured to utilize SSL. The settings for Outlook Express ought to be as laid out in the below screen shot:

    18. DNS Records to create when hosting mail domains

    In several cases, you may want to run/manage your own DNS blacklist. For this situation, you have to configure your DNS server to hold Reverse Lookup Zones for the IP addresses being referred to. In order to accomplish / perform this, you must manage your own DNS server.

    For instance, the accompanying actions / steps would permit you to define a blacklist entry for the IP address

    • In order to open the Microsoft DNS Manager, Select Start|Programs|Administrative Tools|DNS From the Explorer menu
    • On Reverse Lookup Zones, right Click, and then choose the option to create a new zone
    • Set the Zone types as a Primary Zone
    • Insert 192.168.55 as the network ID (this will create a zone that holds / include all IP addresses inside that range)
    • In order to create a new file having the name of the lookup zone, keep the option checked
    • In the case where it is prompted, choose the value to not permit dynamic updates
    • The newly created zone which is in this case named 192.168.55.x subnet, right click on it and choose the option to create a new PTR record.

    Insert the last numeric values of IP address in the space designated and provide the IP address with an optional significant nodename eg: spammer. The following step is to configure the new RBL blacklist under Mailenable’s SMTP connector.

    Complete the below:
    1. From the SMTP Connectors Reverse DNS Blacklisting page, choose Add and then insert a name that represents / depicts the DNS Blacklist that we are creating.
    2. Enter the particular DNS settings for the server:

    • check the Enable Selected Blacklist
    • DNS Path should be Host Lookup
    • Name of the server is the IP address of your DNS server
    • The Check for record type is Pointer (PTR)
    • Response is “This IP address has been blacklisted”

    3. In order to apply the changes click the Apply button.

    19. How to debug HTTPMail with Outlook Express
    It is conceivable to debug mail sessions utilizing the Outlook Express Maintenance tools after an Outlook Express profile has been set to utilize the HTTP protocol to access mail. These tools are located under Tools|Options|Maintenance (Under the troubleshooting area, check HTTP).
    When this setting is enabled, at whatever point HTTPMail is utilized from inside Outlook Express, the whole session will be logged to a text file called HTTPMail.log. The log record is normally put/displayed under Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\Guide\Microsoft\Outlook Express folder. (This is the place all Outlook Express messages and folders are displayed and located).
    In order to enable logging in Outlook, explore to the accompanying area: Tools > Options > Other > Advanced Options > Enable email logging. This will log the session to a text file in the below path: C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Local Settings\Temp\Outlook Logging\[account]
    20. How to determine if spammers are relaying through the server
    Here is a table containing few entries with their description. These entries may show up inside the SMTP debug log:

    Entry Description
    ME-I0111: Relay Denied: Failed to meet all relay criteria Someone tried to relay through the server yet they were rejected for the reason that they either were not authenticated, were not from a permitted IP or were not recognized as a local sender address
    ME-E0109: Relay Denied: Failed to meet all relay criteria Someone tried to relay through the server yet they were rejected since they didn’t utilize a sender address that is already specified on the server
    ME-I0112: Relay Denied: Server is configured not to allow relaying All relay settings have been disabled on the server
    ME-I0101: Local Delivery: Address (%s) is local The recipient address indicated by the sender is local and in this manner no relay authorization is needed or required
    ME-I0110: Relay Granted: Server is configured to allow anyone to relay Server is configured to permit anyone to relay
    ME-I0108: Relay Granted: Sender has authenticated A valid user name and password was entered by the sender prior to sending mail and was accordingly permitted to relay
    ME-I0106: Relay Granted: [address] is in local address map Allowing locally defined addresses to relay is configured on the server and the sender utilized such an address. This is bad for public servers, because somebody just needs to speculate a mail address serviced by the server and they are able to spam
    ME-I0107: Relay Granted: Sender IP (IPAddress) is within an authorized IP range The relay try was permitted since – under the SMTP Connectors properties- the remote IP Address has been allowed relay access
    ME-I0102: Address ([SMTP:xxx@yourdomain]) is to be delivered to Catch-All address Someone –most probably a spammer- delivered an email address that is not specified on the server. The domain is local and was configured with a catch-all mailbox and the message is in this manner allowed and conveyed/transmitted to this mailbox
    21. DNS Records to create when hosting mail domains

    In the case where somebody abuses the server by relaying spam through it, if they have speculated a user’s password, or the relay setup permits it, the accompanying will probably be accompanied by:

    • SMTP and MTA log sizes will be a lot bigger than usual
    • SMTP outgoing mail queue loaded with messages waiting to be delivered
    • Valid emails are postponed
    • Valid emails to remote domains are, no doubt blocked

    In most cases where the server has been relayed through you can figure out the sender by checking the SMTP logs. This will show if the sender authenticated or has been allowed to relay because of server setup policies. In the case where the user has authenticated you will notice the mailbox name in the SMTP Activity log because it is the last item on each log file line. Open the soonest log file where the size has unexpectedly augmented and search for log lines with the SMTP-IN string in them. In the case where there are lots of log lines with SMTP-IN, have a look at the last item written to the lines since it will be the mailbox name. You can additionally have a look at the SMTP Debug log to check whether there are lots of lines pointing out / showing that a user has authenticated.
    In the case where the SMTP service is permitting a user to relay with no authentication, then you will notice a great deal of items in the SMTP Debug log as “relay granted”. When the source IP address or the mailbox has been resolved / identified, you can then block properly and correctly.
    To help decrease the chance and cause or outcome of abuse, you ought to enable the SMTP Security options
    Limit number of recipients per hour to and Authenticated senders must use valid sender address. It is additionally proposed and suggested that you enable the Enforce password policy option under your localhost server policies, and this is to enforce complex passwords. As well, you can utilize the Check existing passwords button to check whether you have simple passwords.

    22. How to implement message spam filtering with MailEnable
    Integrated message filtering is offered by Mailenable Professional and Enterprise versions, which might be utilized to specify rules and actions when messages go through Mailenable. These filters might be utilized to hunt messages down words or expressions and erase or isolate them before they are sent to the user. It is likewise conceivable to mark messages as being identified as spam so they are put straightforwardly into the recipients Junk E-mail folder.
    A mailbox filtering exists in the Enterprise edition of MailEnable. It permits message content filters to be applied at a mailbox level. This can filter out messages for one specific mailbox but not for all messages that go through the server. Professional version applies message filters just at a global level.
    Mailenable Enterprise and Professional Edition v2, v3, v4 offer Bayesian filtering of content. Bayesian filtering computes the likelihood of the messages being legitimate focused around a lexicon of terms holding their probabilities of showing up in either unwanted or valid messages.
    There is additionally a selection of third party tools and utilities which might be utilized to carry out message filtering such as: SNIMTA, SpamAssassin Plug-In, and so forth.
    These filters are offered by third parties as plug-ins to MailEnable. Most of the time they are offered free of charge or for a small charge and are accessible via this MailEnable link here.
    23. How to recover configuration data
    In order to recover MailEnable’s configuration data, three ways could be used and followed. Most of MailEnable’s configuration data including the messaging data, is saved and placed in tab delimited files. It is worth mentioning that MailEnable files can be recovered with “Undelete” utilities, while this is not essential or needed for the reason that MailEnable stores various archives. Since the files are in a text file format and are quite small, it is expected and probable that the files could be recovered. On the other hand, if the happens that the system is down, to get running rapidly, the MERECOVER utility is the quickest and best option (Option 4 ). In the case where utilizing a current release of MailEnable; the SAV backup is likewise powerful (and ought to be considered prior to utilizing MERECOVER).

    Numerous tab delimited files are vital and essential in maintaining Mailenable’s configuration.

    These files are illustrated below:

    C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Config\ADDRESS-MAP.TAB
    C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Config\AUTH.TAB
    C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Config\
    C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Config\DOMAIN.TAB
    C:\Program Files\Mail Enable\Config\Postoffices\ Postoffice \MAILBOX.TAB

    1. These files will be stored by the MailEnable backup utility under the backup directory. Duplicate/ copy any corrupted (TAB) delimited configuration files into the new environment. Obviously, it is strange and bizarre to have a backup at the time something wrong happens and occurs. These records are just text files, so it is conceivable to open them in Notepad to check and examine the information inside them. Generally and normally, the file that ought to be utilized is the one that have the biggest size on the system.

    2. Short-term/ temporary backups of these files are saved by MailEnable as .BAK files in the same directory of the .TAB files. The .BAK file should be renamed as a .TAB file and utilize the information saved and displayed in this file. The regrettable fact about .BAK files is that they are overwritten with each configuration alterations. Subsequently, in the case where any extra alterations were made to the system given that the .TAB file got corrupted the .BAK file is likewise expected to be corrupted.

    3. Later versions of MailEnable keep an additional version of this file with a .SAV extension. The .SAV version of this file holds/includes a version of the configuration file that has the most quantities of configuration entries all-encompassing. Henceforth, this file ought to hold / include all configuration data (counting any account data that may have been lately removed / deleted).

    4. In order to rebuild mailboxes and address map files from the message store, utilize the MErecover utility. Afterward, it will be essential and needed to rename the apposite / relevant .REC files it creates as .TAB files. The replacement of all the .REC files to .TAB files is not essential and needed. Just the files that were corrupted should be replaced.

    24. How to reduce incoming spam
    In order to decrease the volume of got spontaneous or unwanted email or spam, Mailenable gives a broad selection of spam blocking, and content filtering features that might be enabled.
    The accompanying activities ought to be considered:

    • Make sure not to have a catch-all set for domains because Spammers will make up email addresses for the domains hosted and attempt to send to them.
    • In order to prevent the mail server from allowing email from individuals who have put an invalid domain as their From address, do the following:
      In the SMTP connector Security properties , enable the setting ‘Reject mail if sender location is from an invalid area.’
    • In the Mailenable Administration Program, and under properties of the SMTP connector, enable the option for necessitating that those sending mail to the server have a DNS PTR record characterized for the IP address of their mail server. Not having a PTR record typically demonstrates that the sender is on a dial-up/cable/ADSL connection.
    • What we call address spoofing prevention is to keep spammers from utilizing your local envelope sender to send spam to different users on your server. In order to prevent address spoofing, please do the following:
      Under the properties of the SMTP connector in the Mailenable Administration Program, enable the option to oblige that anybody sending from a locally hosted e-mail address has to authenticate.
    • In order not to get spam from recognized spammer IP addresses, configure the SMTP connector to utilize one or two RDNS blacklist providers. Spamhaus Zen and Barracuda blacklist are recommended. Be mindful that you must register with Barracuda to utilize their blacklist. At the point when utilizing a blacklist, verify you are utilizing your own DNS IP address in your SMTP options. On the off chance that you utilize an external DNS, for example, from Google then reverse DNS blacklisting won’t work.
    • Spamhaus Zen blacklist is suitable for the following:
      Enable the URL blacklisting option, as it will check messages for URLs that are recognized to be spam Links.
    • Under the properties of the SMTP Connector in the Mailenable Administration program:
      Enable Mailenable’s Sender Policy Framework (not accessible in the Standard version).
    • In order to decrease spam by postponing new messages for a short time, Enable greylisting under the SMTP Connector properties in the administration program (not accessible in the Standard release/version); because spammers will for the most part not retry a deferred or belated address.
    • For the emails that fail the DKIM test, create a filter to block them (not accessible in the Standard version).
    • In order to locate spam, Bayesian Filtering is a self learning spam system that uses complex methods to locate spam by evaluating message text against a dictionary. All filtering actions can be executed on the Bayesian criteria being met.
    • Configure one or more filters holding recognized spam expressions or words if utilizing Mailenable Professional or Enterprise Editions. Case in point, a filter holding words like Porno (and mixture thereof utilizing wildcards or text models) will catch mainstream spam.
    • To supplement Mailenable’s integrated spam blocking and content filtering, there are number of dedicated third party anti-spam solutions that could be utilized.
    25. How to send mail from an application or web page
    The relay authorizations of the server require being configured/set in order to be able to send mail from an outside application or web page (counting utilizing the COM component MEMail.Message (MEASP.DLL) or the Command Line Send Utility) to a remote user or mail server. This is to permit the application to relay.
    For instance: To permit the local machine and the COM object to deliver email, insert the IP address as a privileged IP address.
    In order to accomplish this, complete the following directions:
    1. Load the Administration program, extend the Servers|localhost|connectors branch.
    2. Right click on the SMTP icon, from the popup menu select Properties, and next click the Relay tab.
    3. Enable Allow relay for privileged IP ranges.
    4. Click Privileged IPs and in the window that shows up, verify that ‘By Default all computers will be Denied relay rights’ is selected, and insert the source IP address that the component will utilize once it tries to deliver mail through MailEnable’s SMTP Connector.

    Verify the MailEnable SMTP Debug and Activity logs that are found in the MailEnable Administration Program > Servers > Localhost > Connectors > SMTP > Logs. Make sure of the IP address the component/application is trying to connect on. The logs will include error data that will permit the source for any flaws and errors to be caught. Guarantee that the IP Address that the program/agent is utilizing to communicate with MailEnable is allowed and given relay rights.

    26. Microsoft SMTP services fails to send mail
    In order to send out messages, CDONTS needs the Microsoft SMTP service. However it is not conceivable to have two mail servers running on port 25 and the same IP address attempting to receive email at the same time.
    In order to fix this problem, two solutions exist:

    First Solution
    Don’t run the Microsoft SMTP service inbound on the MailEnable port (no port 25), run it on a different port. Keep the outbound port as port 25, because both Microsoft SMTP and MailEnable SMTP can deliver email at the same time. The following list, explains the steps required for changing the inbound port for the Microsoft SMTP service:

    1. Open Internet Information Services (In windows 2000 it is accessible via the Administrative Tools Control Panel folder)

    2. In order to spot/ find “Default SMTP Virtual Server”, expand the tree view

    3. Right click on this icon and from the pop up menu choose Properties

    4. In the General tab, choose “Advanced” beside the IP address that the SMTP service is bound to. Another new window will pop up.

    5. Select the IP address. Normally this is called (All Unassigned), however may be a specific IP address. This opens another new window.

    6. Alter the TCP Port to something other than 25.

    7. Accept the changes

    8. Stop and start both the Microsoft and MailEnable SMTP services.

    Second solution
    Utilize components other than CDONTS. MailEnable Professional and Enterprise Editions contain a component that permits email to be delivered from ASP

    27. Using Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition (NAVCE) with MailEnable
    Installing Norton Anti Virus
    Although it is not essential to install the Norton software that is available on disk 1 of the two disks set, it is prudent and desirable to install the option of the on demand scanner that permits for the virus inspection and scanning of files and hard drives on the server. In any case, it is vital and necessary that the resident scanner is either not installed or disabled. Command line scanners and local AV services can’t work together.

    Please follow the steps beneath to install the Command Line Scanner for Norton Anti Virus:

    • Create a folder C:\NAV
    • You will locate a registry DOS at the accompanying location on Cd2 of the Norton Installation Disks: \NAVCORP\CLIENTS\DOS.
    • Under the \NAV directory you have created, copy the above directory and all its data.
      You can find the executable that is run to inspect/scan for viruses inside the directory DOS (The command line of VSCAND.exe).

    Step 1: Configuring the antivirus program
    1. In the same server where you have installed MailEnable, Install the Norton antivirus application
    2. Guarantee that any resident or real-time protector capacities of the antivirus application have been disabled (or all the MailEnable directories have been kept out from being protected by the software).
    As a common rule, take into consideration the accompanying activities:

    • MailEnable “Queues” and the “Config” Directories should be ruled out / excluded from the resident/real-time monitoring.
    • In the case where the exclusion of MailEnable directories is not feasible inside the antivirus application disable the resident/real-time monitor.

    3. Open the MailEnable Administration program. Extent the Servers > Local host > Filters branch, select the ‘MailEnable Message Filter’ icon, then in the list that shows up on the right side panel select the MailEnable Antivirus Filter item.
    4. From the existing list of antivirus applications select “Norton”.
    5. Verify and ensure that the “Enable” or “Enable selected antivirus” is selected. It is conceivable to enable more than one antivirus application on the server, yet this will have an effect on the amount of messages that can be scanned over a period of time.
    6. Guarantee to specify the right program path to the command line virus scanner. In order to be able to alter it, make sure to select the Options button. Additionally guarantee that the scratch directory (which is utilized to unpack the message when it is scanned for viruses) is available.
    7. Make sure to save changes.
    8. Then, stop the MTA service.
    9. Then, start the MTA service.
    Verify that the virus definition files are being updated. For data on the most proficient method to do this, check the antivirus documentation. In order to be able to run, a few antivirus applications particularly necessitate Administrative privileges. Knowing that the MTA runs under the LocalSystem account, alter this to an account with Administrative rights. Open the Services control panel applet. Alter the user account that “MailEnable Mail Transfer Agent” service runs under to be a Windows user account that has Administrative privileges (that is a member of the Administrators group).

    Step 2: Creating an anti-virus filter
    You should create a filter in the MailEnable Administration program in order to enable antivirus filtering. The filter will identify and spot the message holding a virus and eliminates / removes the message or quarantines it, report and inform sender, and so on.
    In order to create an antivirus filter, please follow the below directions:
    1. Open the MailEnable Administration Program
    2. On the Messaging Manager>filters branch, right click and create a new filter.
    3. In the name field enter something like “Antivirus Filter” (without the quotes).
    4. After creating the filter, alter the criteria for the filter as stated below:
    5. Verify the criteria “Where the message contains a virus”
    6. Create the actions that are carried out when the virus is discovered / identified. As an example, Copy the message to the Quarantine directory or Delete Message
    More Configuration Settings:

    • Vscand.exe – which is the Symantec Command Line scanner- can’t have multiple running instances of itself. The MTA service should run in a single thread in order to overcome MailEnable. This will reduce the speed of processing emails. Relying on hardware and email form/size, it might just have the capacity to scan around 16,000 messages per day (1 scan every 5.4 seconds).
    • Run the Administration program, to set the MTA to run in one thread. Extend the Servers->Localhost->Agents branch, on the MTA icon, right click and then from the popup menu select Properties. From the window that shows up you can set the thread count for the MTA service.
      Or else you can download a registry key via this link.

    In order to run, NAVCE must have Administrative rights. Knowing that the MTA runs under the LocalSystem account, alter this to an account with Administrative rights. Open the Services control panel applet. Alter the user account that “MailEnable Mail Transfer Agent” service runs under to be a Windows user account that has Administrative privileges (that is a member of the Administrators group).

    28. Post Offices in MailEnable

    MailEnable permits the hosting of several domains/organizations, thus it is frequently not enough to just pass the name of a mailbox
    name and password as user credentials.
    For instance, you can possibly have several mailboxes called “steve” configured, in distinctive post offices.
    MailEnable should have the capacity to figure out which post office the user “steve” is attempting to authenticate as.

    MailEnable presents the idea of a post office that could be thought to be an organisation or company. In addition, MailEnable permits mailboxes to be specified under a post office. To login with the credentials ascribed to a mailbox, the username to authenticate requires to have the following format: mailboxname@postofficename
    In the case where a default post office has been specified for a MailEnable server, you can go without utilizing the @postofficename element of the username. Under the localhost properties of a server, in the MailEnable Administration Program, It is conceivable to set the default post office.
    In addition, it is conceivable to bind every MailEnable post office to a specific IP address that is configured on the server. This permits the user to login just utilizing the username and not need to specify the post office name, given and provided that they connect utilizing the relating IP address. For instance, in the case where you bind a post office to an IP address and
    authenticate as “steve” the server recognizes that anybody connecting on that IP address with simply the username “steve” is attempting to just connect to the mailbox under that postoffice. This feature only exists under MailEnable Enterprise or Enterprise Premium. For additional data on post office bindings see the MailEnable documentation. [NOTE: Angela will review if this is needed] Note: It is a typical fallacy and misapprehension that users authenticate against MailEnable as mailboxname@domainname – this pertains/is applicable just in the case where the name of the post office and the name of the domain are equivalent. Post offices are able to host several domains and accordingly, the post office may be named something more general, it could be the name of the company or organizations that hosts the domains.

    29. What are the best relay settings to use?

    In instances where a spammer was delivering emails as [email protected], then a lookup is made for SPF details against the domain. Data that has came back from this lookup could verify and find out that because the IP address of the spammer is not an AOL IP address then it is prone to be spam.

    Setting and explanation
    Enable SPF – Enables the SPF detection.
    Add Received SPF header – Adds the Received SPF header to all unauthenticated emails incoming through SMTP.
    Enable local policy – Utilize your own SPF local policy.

    With Mailenable, the outcomes of a SPF test are included as a header item in the email. The header is Received-SPF. SPF tests give back one of seven results, which are laid out underneath. The included header contains the result and a short description. In the case where any filters are running to verify the header, the first string after the header is the result. (Example: Received-SPF: none, Received-SPF: fail)

    Result and Explanation
    Pass – The email originates from a valid source.
    Softfail – The email may not be from a valid source.
    Fail – The email does not originate from a valid source.
    Neutral – The information is uncertain in figuring out if the email is originating from a valid source.
    None – The domain doesn’t have SPF record.
    Error – There is an error processing the SPF.
    Unknown – There is an error processing the SPF.

    30. Configuring Email with Apple iOS Devices

    You have the choice of POP3 or IMAP to receive email. Sending email is done via SMTP.
    Configuring iOS to send/receive message via the SMTP and IMAP/POP3 services:

    • On the iPhone home screen select “Settings.”
    • In the “Settings” window select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars.”
    • Within the “Accounts” section, select “Add Account…”
    • Next select “Other.”
    • Select “Add Mail Account.”
    • Specify the relevant: Name, Email address, Password and Account description.
    • In the “New account” Select “IMAP”.
    • Within the “New Account” window for the “Incoming Mail Server” use the following:
    • Host Name: (or the IP Address of the mail server).
    • User Name: mailboxname@postofficename.
    • Password: ********* (mailbox password).
    • Within the “New Account” window for the “Outgoing Mail Server” use the following:
    • Host Name: (or the IP Address of the mail server).
    • User Name: mailboxname@postofficename.
    • Password: ********* (mailbox password).
    • Click and when prompted select “No” for “Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?”
    • Click “Save”


    • Connect your iOS device to your iTunes-equipped laptop.
    • Open iTunes.
    • Click the connected iOS device in the upper right-hand corner of iTunes (example: iPhone).
    • Select the “Info” tab.
    • Scroll down to the “Sync Mail Accounts From” section.
    • Select an Email application installed on your computer (example: Microsoft Outlook). Note: the Email accounts you are attempting to sync with your iOS device must already be configured into the Email application you choose from this dropdown.
    • Select the mail account(s) you would like to sync from the Email application.
    • Click “Sync” in the lower right-hand corner of iTunes.
    31. Troubleshooting Mail Client Connectivity to MailEnable
    At the point when configuring a mail client to direct to the server MailEnable is running on, it ought to be conceivable to send and get a self addressed message.
    In the case where the email message can’t be sent, verify the error message that came back from the email client as it will provide a sign of the error. The standard and typical reasons for failure to send are:

    • There is no proper configuration of the mail client. It is not configured with the right SMTP settings to connect to the MailEnable server. Utilize the IP address of the Mailenable server instead of the host name so as to avoid any DNS related matters with the domain that is being utilized.
    • Either your firewall or your ISPs firewall, is not allowing access to port 25 on the server. So as to decrease the amount of spam, numerous ISPs block outbound connections to remote mail servers.
    • The Mailenable SMTP service is not running on the server.
    • You have missed configuring the SPA support or the SSL support on the server. You have enabled it in the mail client settings, but not configured on the server.

    The following thing to attempt –if this has successfully worked- is to send to a domain that is not defined under MailEnable. It will imply that MailEnable’s SMTP connector will try relay the message. Relaying implies that MailEnable is to accept and send the message for a domain that is not local. In the event that a prompt error is made when trying to perform this, then it demonstrates that the relay settings defined under MailEnable are not compatible with the mail client settings. Mainly, the familiar error here is forgetting to enable SMTP authentication in the mail client. For instance, in Microsoft Outlook, by ticking the ‘My server requires authentication’ checkbox, the SMTP authentication is enabled.
    And finally, in the case where it is conceivable to send the message, then MailEnable will try to process the message and deliver to its destination. In the case where smart hosting has been enabled under the properties of the SMTP connector, then it will try to deliver the message to an upstream host, otherwise MailEnable will try to send the message straightly to the mail servers corresponding to the target domain. In the case where smart hosting is utilized, a trusted connection to the upstream SMTP server should exist. This can be achieved utilizing IP address ranges (The server will permit the relay in the case where they spot and identify that the connection is originating from a trusted location). They will refuse and reject the relay if their policy does not permit this, and a message will notify that the remote host declined to send the message.
    Debug and Activity logs are the best locations to figure and find out where messages are going inside MailEnable. Specifically, check the SMTP logs to figure out whether and why remote hosts are disallowing access.

    32. Troubleshooting SMTP Connectivity
    MailEnable offers wide logging of SMTP activity. 3 log files exist and are utilized by MailEnable which are: The debug, action and W3c log. The W3c log files are basically a copy of the Activity log, therefore it is just essential and important to explore the activity and debug logs.
    The debug log holds clarifications of huge actions embraced and carried out by MailEnable. Case in point, when a user tries to relay a mail message, this is marked and time stamped in the SMTP Debug log. The Activity log file holds a transcript of all SMTP commands exchanged between MailEnable and different remote clients or mail servers.
    The most straightforward approach to locate a message and debug an SMTP transaction is to open the SMTP Activity log in notepad and tracking it down.
    In addition, it is conceivable to import the log file into Micosoft Excel. The accompanying activities will show you how:
    Method to import the Activity log into Excel:
    1. Go to file, then open. Go to C:\program Files\mail Enable\logging\SMTP (or equivalent directory).
    2. The Files of Type combo alter them to All Files (*.*)
    3. Select and open the activity file (the files are saved as SMTP-Activity-YYMMDD).
    4. The Excels Text Import Wizard will now be shown. Choose the option to import the text as Delimited data and click next
    5. Select the format as Tab delimited and click next
    6. Click Finish to import the information
    A worksheet will be shown containing the following data:
    A=Transaction date and time
    B=Transaction Type (Inbound or Outbound)
    C=Message ID/Message file Name (This is utilized to match with different logs to trace messages)
    D=TCP/IP local socket number that the SMTP transaction was taking place on
    E=TCP/IP Address of the remote host associated with the SMTP transaction
    F=the name of SMTP Command that is associated with the transaction
    G=information about the SMTP Command that is associated with the current transaction
    H=information about the response to the SMTP Command that is associated with the current transaction
    I=the number of bytes sent when executing this command
    J=the number of bytes received in executing this command

    Two essential sorts of transactions are delineated /defined in the SMTP Activity log file, which are the SMTP Inbound Transactions and SMTP Outbound Transactions. These transactions are indicated and represented in the log files as SMTP-IN and SMTP-OU in their respective lines in the Activity log file.

    How to associate Activity log entries with the debug log file:
    The most evident method for associating an entry in the Activity log file with the Debug log file is through the time stamp recorded in the file. In addition, it is conceivable to utilize the Message ID (because this is regularly recorded in the debug log file). The message ID is valuable and helpful in tracing messages as they go by the MTA. The MTA logs this message ID and subsequently you can utilize the logs to trace a message as it is routed through Mailenable’s Connectors by means of/through the MTA.
    For instance, a user may express dissatisfaction about not being capable of sending mail from Outlook. For this situation an error message will be sent back to the remote mail client.
    e.g. 503 This mail server requires authentication. Please check your mail client settings.
    Utilize this error string to spot the transaction series in the SMTP activity log. After identifying the entry in the SMTP activity log, verify the SMTP debug log for the same time period. The system will record the cause behind why the relay request was not permitted.
