Physical incidents are often unpreventable – natural disasters and physical accidents are bound to happen. According to the ADR Data Recovery study, data loss as a result of lack of a recovery system costs American business $12 billion per year, and hardware failure accounts for 78% of that data loss. Being prepared for the worst-case scenario is critical to maintaining business continuity. WebFacility’s Disaster Recovery options can configure solutions for your business to prevent costly downtime, loss of data or any mission-critical components. Businesses often neglect to set up disaster recovery systems in fear of high costs, but WebFacility is here to help your business find the most optimal and cost-efficient solution. All of our disaster recovery solutions are fully compliant with PCI, HIPAA, and other regulatory requirements, and give you the assurance of industry-leading RTO/RPO (recovery time objectives/recovery point objectives).
Geographic Redundancy
Geographic redundancy allows your resources to be hosted at multiple locations simultaneously – if one server is affected by a failure of any sort, another server at a different location will instantaneously pick up without a moment of interruption. Geographic redundancy ensures that all your mission-critical resources are unaffected by any accidents. This solution offers both fully redundant or partially redundant options, and is accompanied by load balancing – the balancing of traffic between multiple data center locations – as well as database replication and mirroring.
Load balancing
Fully redundant or partially redundant options
Active-standby or active-active hot-site
Database replication and mirroring
24/7/365 support
Remote Backups
WebFacility can set up a fully-managed and monitored backup strategy for all your mission-critical data, resources, applications, and websites hourly, daily, or weekly. Disaster recovery can be implemented either on-site or off-site for dedicated or cloud servers, allowing you retrieve anything from individual files to system in their entirety from any point in time in case you need to.
24/7/365 support
Cloud Recovery Infrastructure
WebFacility’s Cloud Recovery Infrastructure is a cost-effective disaster recovery solution that utilizes our cloud resources, keeping your costs minimal. This solution is capable of replicating your data around the clock, and is fully scalable and customizable according to your needs.
Cost effective
24/7/365 support